MARINE DEVELOPMENT FUND Thursday 25th August 2016
Would you like to help the Marine Industry in this upcoming season with consistent financial support for worthy causes and projects? If so please consider adopting the Marine Development Fund as part of your fund raising efforts.
The Marine Development Fund operates on a totally voluntary basis. How does it work?
1. As a business you add a small fee such as EC$1 per person per meal, US$1 per tour booked, US$10 per boat docked per day or US$1/EC$1 per transaction to your customers final bill. (Any business type can take part in any way they like - these are just examples).
2. On the bill you either add to the printed receipt a line saying - Optional contribution to the Marine Development Fund, or we can provide small busines cards which you hand out with hand written bills to explain what it is as well as having a poster to be displayed prominently in your business place.
3. The customer has the opportunity to say they don't want to pay it and go ahead and pay the bill.
4. If they elect to pay it, you collect the funds and pay one cheque to the ABMA at the end of the calendar month clearly labelling it ' MDF'.
5. Your generous donation will be promoted (if you want them to).
6. The money is then donated to worthy causes as decided by a small group of stakeholders representing the MDF elected from businesses paying into the fund or to marketing and product iniatives as determined by the group.
Result: Your customers and hence you have helped support and build the industry and it hasn't involved you having to pay money out of your own pocket or spending hours of your time planning a fundraiser - that's a win/win right?
For more information on the MDF and it's mission visit the MDF page on their website. Ondeck and Antigua Sailing Week have already signed on so if your business is interested in joining please email or call Ari on 724-0442.
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