OPTINAM OPENING CEREMONY ON JULY 5, 2015 Friday 26th June 2015
Being as the Optimist North American Championship is a very important event for Antigua, we want to give as many local people as possible the opportunity to come to the opening ceremony, enjoy the parade and share the sailors' enthusiasm. For this reason it was decided that the ceremony would take place on a Sunday rather than on a Monday as was originally scheduled. An amendment to the Notice of Race has already been posted showing changes.
We would like to invite delegations, supporters, authorities, friends and Antigan citizens to the ceremony, to be held on SUNDAY July 5th at 18:00. The delegations will gather at the petrol station at 18:00, from which they will parade to Nelson's Dockyard, where the formal part of the ceremony and official inauguration of the event will take place.
News edited from http://optinam2015.org/.
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