Location: Antigua Yacht Club, English Harbour
For ages: 8-18yrs
The Antigua Yacht Club (AYC) is now offering three, two weeks certificate courses throughout the summer. The certificate program is a two week certificate course which teaches sailing and seamanship skills. The boats used are Optimist, Laser and Laser Picos.
The three courses offered throughout the summer are headed by Olympic Sailor and RYA Senior Dinghy Instructor Karl James
See below for dates and cost.
AYC Annual Summer Sailing Program Schedule.
Session 1: Monday 27th - Friday 31st July & Monday 10th - Friday 14th August
EC$180 per week 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. This is a two week course.
Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th August are public Holidays (Carnival).
No courses are held during this week.
Session 2: Monday 17th - Friday 21st August & Monday 24th - 28th August
EC$180 per week 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. This is a two week course.
Please call or email for bookings.
Special Price available to paid up AYC Members.
Click here for all News and Specials for Antigua Yacht Club