COVID-19 CHARITABLE FUNDRAISER Wednesday 29th April 2020
The dreaded COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging through the globe, crippling even powerful economies and devastating the lives of many. Antigua and Barbuda, like most other nations of the world, is forced to adapt to a new reality, and due to the current crisis there has been a rise in the need for charitable services with many struggling to meet the demand or even remain opened.
Please play your part to help those who are suffering at this critical time.
Support four causes in Antigua and Barbuda as they continue the fight. We are appealing to Antiguans and Barbudans abroad, and friends of Antigua and Barbuda to help the children and the aged.
When COVID-19 ends, the real challenge for economic survival will begin. Our mission is to raise £145,000 to cover the major expenses of these four charities. It is predicted that charities will struggle for at least the next 12 months as the Antigua and Barbuda economy struggles to recover from lack of foreign receipts.
The Sunshine Home For Girls
Opened in 1992, this is a safe and caring home for girls up to the age of 18 who have been physically or sexually abused, or who have been abandoned or orphaned. The facility accommodates a maximum of 12 girls, who have been protected and nurtured even from the tender age of 6.
The Ex-Servicemen’s Association
The Association (formed in 2004) provides food and medical assistance to the 6 living ex-soldiers and widows who voluntarily enlisted and valiantly fought in the 1939-1945 conflict (World War ll) as part of the British Colonial Territories. Currently, the needs of 8 retired soldiers from the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force are also met.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society (Holy Family Conference)
This Society (a branch of the organization originally founded in France in 1833) operates a Day Care Centre for the elderly where they are provided with professional attention. Additionally, their “Meals on Wheels” programme distributes 50 hot meals daily to the shut-ins.
The Grace Programme
This initiative is executed by the Ministry of Social Transformation, and caters to 300-400 elderly and differently abled citizens across the nation. The programme has been operational since 1987, and is committed to providing dietary and social care on a regular basis.
They need your help now. Donate today through the Patron organization, the Halo Foundation Inc. Together, we can ease the burden and pain in so many lives.
Click here to make your donation. This Project is supported by the Caucus of Antigua and Barbuda Ambassadors and Honorary Consuls in Europe.

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