We shall sell by Public Auction on Monday 9th March, 2020 at 2pm, one parcel of land situated at Belle Vue Estate:
Parcel #84 Block 14 2288A. Starting bid: EC$138,000.
This land sloped northwards and commands an excellent view of sections of the northern and eastern sections of the island. It is unfenced, unoccupied and is rectangular in shape and measures 19,087.75 square feet or 0.44 acres. The property has access to utilities to include electricity, telephone and cable television services. Amenities such as school, churches and health facilities are present in the surrounding nearby community of Freemans Village.
More details here.

We shall sell by Public Auction on Monday 23rd April, 2020 at 3pm, one parcel of land situated at Belle Vue Estate:
Parcel #82 block 14 2288A. Starting bid: EC$190,000
This land slopes northwards and commands an excellent view of northern parts of the island. It is unfenced, unoccupied measuring 23,364.62 square feet or 0.61 acres, and is fronted by an unpaved road on the west. The property has access to utilities to include electricity, telephone and cable television services. Amenities such as school, churches and health facilities are present in the surrounding nearby community of Freemans Village.
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