Star fish - Vanessa Hall




Once you are an advertiser, a complete tool kit is available to market your business effectively:

  • Ad Content – one page of content plus up to 5 images & logo (including large header image) allow you to succinctly and effectively communicate to website visitors about your business.(Yearly advertising fee + initiation fee in first year).
  • Contact details – to encourage click thrus’ to your website the contact pod is top right of every ad. It includes contact name, key contact details including telephone, cell, fax, e-mail, and website. To ensure they can find out about your business quickly, there are also link options to social media groups Facebook Page, Twitter, Blogs, TripAdvisor and Flickr accounts. Languages spoken, payment methods accepted, and links direct to the booking section of your website, if you have one, also included. (Free).
  • Social Media Presence - Once your information is on our website, we share it throughout our social media channels – further amplifying your exposure on our networks.
  • Enhance your ad and keep visitors informed with the use of additional pods – What’s On, News & Specials, video, menus, wine lists and price lists. (Free).
  • Map links – each advertiser has a link from their location map back to their page, and on page has the opportunity to list multiple locations and links back to relevant maps. (Free).
  • You control your ad through your login so your ad can be constantly updated as your business changes. (Free).
  • Photo Gallery – up to 20 images in one gallery are available to further showcase your business. (One off activations fee).
  • Meet the owner – to further enhance your ad and increase trust for potential clients, set up a profile including a photograph, to help connect with your customer. 


  • News, What's On and Specials from advertiser pages are listing on category and sub category pods as well as the main News, Specials and What's On pages.
  • Listed in the A-Z listings & in all relevant categories.
  • Appearing in featured and new listing box – every year on renewal, or when starting advertising , you will be listed for 2 weeks in the featured boxes throughout the website in the relevant categories for your business, increasing exposure for your business.
  • Weekly Newsletter – new advertisers, and advertisers renewing their contracts are listed on the newsletter, and each week special features or listings are added with links back into the website to drive awareness about events, or business.
  • Visitors to the website (who sign up as a user) can create short lists as they are browsing through the website of businesses they are interested in, whether it be choosing accommodation options before booking, making short lists of restaurants, tours and things to do before they arrive, or looking for services and shopping. (See the +MYAN link at the top of each ad).


  • Banners ads are placed top right of every page with the objective of increasing traffic levels from direct to your website or web page.
  • Home page, Category and Sub-Category banners available for advertisers on a monthly, 3 monthly, 6 month or yearly basis. (Discounts available for upfront booking at each level).
  • Client page banner ads – these are reserved for Annual Antiguan Events only – e.g. Carnival, Sailing Week. They are used to promote reasons for visitors to come to the island. They are not available to other clients.

Each banner spot throughout the site is based on the following:

  • Maximum of 10 banners rotating/sold in one space.
  • Rotation is on a random basis ensuring all advertisers get equal exposure.


If  you need A website, but have a tight budget, we can register a domain name and point it at your page and along with your free tool kit, What’s on, News, Specials, Meet the Owner, Photo Gallery, Menu, Price List and Wine List uploads you can be set up with a website for EC$1500. You benefit immediately from the traffic within and have no hosting fees or other maintenance costs of a website.


At we understand that managing your on-line presence can be frustrating, time consuming, confusing & costly. We currently manage over 100 accounts in Antigua for businesses who need hosting, design, updates or optimisation. Check out our rates sheet for our standard fees, however if you need a new website, a re-design or major structural work, or optimisation – we usually need to talk. Our focus is constantly to review what each client needs individually, simply it, and provide the least cost, highest return solution for the client. In all cases we will educate you on what you can do yourself, and help navigate you through the choices available and agree a structure for your business. Whether they are blogs, Facebook, TripAdvisor or updating your website, we can help you focus on key priorities to effectively get your online presence working for you.

To advertise with us email or call 561-0405.


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